Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Could anyone help hair coloring problem?

hi my hair was pale light blond so i dye it light red brown and it look awful.i want my hair golden light brown. but i don't know what to do get my hair golden brown instead of light red brown.if anyone could help .thanks

Could anyone help hair coloring problem?

Go to hair a stylist

Could anyone help hair coloring problem?

I meant, go to a hair stylist, but ol' well, the mistake got me best answer Report It

Could anyone help hair coloring problem?

Read some useful hair colouring tips on this site to help you

Could anyone help hair coloring problem?

why don't you try a golden brown tint, it does what it says on the tin, stay away from anything with red in the colour, or one day you will end up ginger

Could anyone help hair coloring problem?

ligh hair is very hard to dye you have 2 go proffeshional to get it the way you really want it ,ur lucky it didnt turn green thats what usally happens when going darker

Could anyone help hair coloring problem?

I am a hairstylist. You should go see a professional to strip off the color you already have on your hair and recolor it. Putting color on top of color is only going to make the situation worse. It will cost a pretty penny to have it fixed but it would be much better than having your hair a funny color or falling out. Quit trying to do it yourself you know nothing about color and are asking for trouble.

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