Friday, April 27, 2012

Coloring of hair and breast feeding?

Does anyone know if coloring hair while breastfeeding can be harmful to the baby in any way? Does coloring get absorbed and then passed on in milk. Well-founded responses only, please :).

Coloring of hair and breast feeding?

There may not be any solid evidence that these activites harm baby, but there are none that completely rule it out as safe. Why take chances during the critical brain forming months for something so selfish and unnecessary?

Coloring of hair and breast feeding?

Personal grooming while breastfeeding: What are the effects of hair coloring and perms, tanning beds and nipple piercing?

According to the Breastfeeding Answer Book, published by La Leche League International, no evidence exists that the nursing mother's use of hair-care products, such as hair dyes and permanents, has any effect on her breastfeeding baby. When a mother uses hair-care products, some of the chemicals will be absorbed through her skin. If her scalp is healthy and intact, less will be absorbed than if the skin on her scalp is scratched or abraded.

There is no evidence that the nursing mother閳ユ獨 use of tanning beds has any effect on her breastfeeding baby.

Coloring of hair and breast feeding?

No it doesn't. It should be fine. I did it while I was breast feeding, even while I was pregnant and there was no problem.

Coloring of hair and breast feeding?

well i colored my hair while breast feeding and it didn't hurt my baby girl...when in doubt consult your physician

Coloring of hair and breast feeding?

no harm to the baby but your body is off balance so your coloring might not go through good

Coloring of hair and breast feeding?

The good news is, yes it is safe to color your hair. Take caution when you wash your hair that if it is in the shower that you check for coloring that may wash onto your breasts to rinse them well maybe even after you towel dry for several days after dying.

During pregnancy is different.

Generally, pregnant women are advised to avoid any kind of chemicals or fumes. The reason for this stems from concerns about possible physical birth defects and/or genetic defects induced in the fetus. Some chemicals are known to cause birth defects when a woman is exposed to them while pregnant. The chemical interferes in some way with the normal bio-chemical reactions that take place in fetal development. For most substances, we do not know exactly how teratogenetic (the medical term for something that causes birth defects) they are. Obviously, no one wants to try them on a group of pregnant women and find out!

Coloring of hair and breast feeding?

no, not harmful, i used to worry about that when i was pregnaunt, my dr assured me it is fine

Coloring of hair and breast feeding?

I asked my doc this at my postpartum checkup and he said that it was okay. I would try not to get any hair dye on the breasts though, that might cause some problems!! I think that the problem with dying hair while pregnant has to do with the baby's absorbtion of oxygen through mom, and that somehow gets affected, but that's just my guess on that last part. there aren't any "conclusive" studies on the actual effects of dye on unborn babies, so they take a better safe than sorry approach.

Coloring of hair and breast feeding?

i was told that it was ok and although i dont color i did relax my hair a couple of times while i was still nursing.

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