Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Coloring hair/coloring eyebrows?

I have dark eyebrows but I want to dye my hair blonde. Would it look better to lighten the brows to match the hair than to leave them dark?

Coloring hair/coloring eyebrows?

One of my roommates dyed her hair about 4 times a month it seemed. She always seemed to dye her eyebrows as well. Said she'd always done it that way and well, she's 27 now and still has eyebrows...

Of course, everybody will tell you it's not safe (which it probably isn't), but it didn't seem to affect her much. Given she probably won't have hair when she's 35, but I guess moderation couldn't hurt?

Coloring hair/coloring eyebrows?

It's not really safe to dye your eyebrows... Just don't make your hair too light or your color job will look obvious.

Coloring hair/coloring eyebrows?

If it looks good to you to leave them dark, then you should, because bleaching the brows too much makes them very brittle and they break off like crazy. A lot of natural blondes actually have the dark eyebrows, I do. My hair is a natural blonde and I decided to bleach my brows when I did my hair platinum blonde, but I ended up penciling them in most of the time because the hair broke off a lot. If you do bleach them, just be careful with it because the hair will be a red/orange shade if you don't bleach them long enough

Coloring hair/coloring eyebrows?

eyebrow coloring tips


Tips for all different type of Hairstyles


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